
A collection of functions dedicated to the purpose of generating Extra Reflectance calibrations from images of materials with known reflectances (e.g. air/glass interface, water/glass interface.)

By calculating the “extra reflectance” of a microscope system we can come up with a subtraction from our raw data that will make our ratiometric measurements proportional to the actual sample reflectance.

These functions are relied on heavily in “ERCreator” app found in pwspy_gui.ExtraReflectanceCreator.


getTheoreticalReflectances(materials, ...)

Generate a dictionary containing a Pandas Series of the material-glass reflectance for each material in materials.

generateMaterialCombos(materials[, ...])

Given a list of materials, this function returns a list of all possible material combo tuples.

getAllCubeCombos(matCombos, cubeDict)

Given a list of material combo tuples, return a dictionary whose keys are the material combo tuples and whose values are lists of CubeCombos.

plotExtraReflection(images, theoryR, matCombos)

Generate a variety of plots displaying information about the extra reflectance calculation.

generateRExtraCubes(allCombos, theoryR, ...)

Generate a series of extra reflectance cubes based on the input data.
