
pwspy.utility.reflection.extraReflectance.plotExtraReflection(images, theoryR, matCombos, mask=None)[source]

Generate a variety of plots displaying information about the extra reflectance calculation.

  • images (Dict[str, Dict[Material, List[PwsCube]]]) – A dictionary where the keys are strings representing some configuration of the system and the values are dictionaries where the keys are a Material and the values are lists of the PwsCube that were measured at the corresponding glass-{material} interface and configuration indicated by the dictionary keys.

  • theoryR (Dict[Material, Series]) – A dictionary where the key is a Material and the value is a Pandas ‘Series’ giving the reflectance for a glass-{material} reflection over a range of wavelengths. The index of the series should be the wavelengths.

  • matCombos (List[Tuple[Material, Material]]) – A list of the various material combinations that should be evaluated.

  • mask (Optional[Roi]) – An ROI indicating the region of the images that should be included in the evaluation.

Return type



A list of matplotlib figures resulting from this calculation.