Source code for pwspy.utility.reflection.reflectanceHelper

# Copyright 2018-2020 Nick Anthony, Backman Biophotonics Lab, Northwestern University
# This file is part of PWSpy.
# PWSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PWSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides a number of functions for calculating simple reflections based on known refractive indices

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



__all__ = ['getReflectance', 'getRefractiveIndex']

import typing
from numbers import Number

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from pwspy.utility.reflection import Material

from pwspy.utility.reflection.multilayerReflectanceEngine import Stack, Layer, Polarization
from typing import Union, List, Tuple

# File paths for materials that have the N values stored in csv.
materialFiles = {
    Material.Glass: 'N-BK7.csv',
    Material.Water: 'Daimon-21.5C.csv',
    Material.Air: 'Ciddor.csv',
    Material.Silicon: 'Silicon.csv',
    Material.Oil_1_7: 'CargilleOil1_7.csv',
    Material.Oil_1_4: "CargilleOil1_4.csv",
    Material.Ipa: 'Sani-DellOro-IPA.csv',
    Material.Ethanol: 'Rheims.csv',
    Material.ITO: 'Konig.csv',
    Material.Methanol: 'Moutzouris.csv'

# Coefficients for materials that use the Cauchy equation
materialCoeffs = {
    Material.Glycerol_99_5: (1.45797, 0.00598, -0.00036)  # 1.45797+0.00598λ−2−0.00036λ−4. Rheims et al. 1997: n 0.589-1.05 µm

def _init():
    """This function initializes data from files when the module is imported."""
    fileLocation = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'refractiveIndexFiles')
    ser = {}  # a dictionary of the series by name
    for name, file in materialFiles.items():
        # create a series for each csv file
        arr = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(fileLocation, file), skip_header=1, delimiter=',')
        _ = pd.DataFrame({'n': arr[:, 1], 'k': arr[:, 2]}, index=arr[:, 0].astype(np.float) * 1e3)
        ser[name] = _

    # Find the first and last indices that won't require us to do any extrapolation
    first = []
    last = []
    for k, v in ser.items():
        first += [v.first_valid_index()]
        last += [v.last_valid_index()]
    first = max(first)  # The lowest wavelength we have data for all materials.
    last = min(last)  # The higherst wavelength we have data for all materials.
    # Interpolate so we don't have any nan values.
    #    df = pd.DataFrame(ser)
    df = pd.concat(ser, axis='columns', keys=materialFiles.keys())
    df = df.sort_index()
    df = df.interpolate('index')
    df = df.loc[first:last]  # Crop to the first and last wavelengths that we have data for all materials.

    # Calculate from the cauchy Equation
    wavelengths = df.index / 1e3  # Convert to microns
    for name, coeffs in materialCoeffs.items():
        arr = np.zeros((len(wavelengths),))
        for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
            arr += coeff / (wavelengths ** (i*2))
        df[(name, 'n')] = arr
        df[(name, 'k')] = 0

    return df

_n = _init()
del _init

[docs]def getRefractiveIndex(mat: Material, wavelengths: typing.Optional[typing.Iterable[float]] =None) -> pd.Series: """Get the spectrally dependent refractive index of a material. Args: mat: The material the retrieve the refractive index of. wavelengths: The wavelengths that the refractive index should be calculated at. If left as `None` then the wavelengths used will be determined by the original file that the data was pulled from. Returns: The refractive index. The index of the pandas series is the wavelengths. """ refractiveIndex = np.array([np.complex(i[0], i[1]) for idx, i in _n[mat].iterrows()]) refractiveIndex = pd.Series(refractiveIndex, _n.index) if wavelengths is not None: #Need to do interpolation wavelengths = pd.Index(wavelengths) combinedIdx = refractiveIndex.index.append( wavelengths) # An index that contains all the original index points and all of the new. That way we can interpolate without first throwing away old data. from scipy.interpolate import griddata out = griddata(refractiveIndex.index, refractiveIndex.values, wavelengths) #This works with complex numbers refractiveIndex = pd.Series(out, index=wavelengths) return refractiveIndex
[docs]def getReflectance(mat1: Union[Number, pd.Series, Material], mat2: Union[Number, pd.Series, Material], wavelengths: Union[np.ndarray, List, Tuple] = None, NA: float = 0) -> pd.Series: """Given the names of two interfaces this provides the reflectance in units of percent. If given a series as wavelengths the data will be interpolated and reindexed to match the wavelengths. Args: mat1: The first material comprising the reflective interface. This can either be a number or series of numbers representing the refractive index at different wavelengths or it can be a `Material` in which case the refractive index will be automatically calculated. mat2: The second material comprising the reflective interface. This can either be a number or series of numbers representing the refractive index at different wavelengths or it can be a `Material` in which case the refractive index will be automatically calculated. wavelengths: The wavelengths to calculate the reflectance at. NA: The numerical aperture of the system. Reflectance will be calculated by radially integrating results over the range of angles present within the numerical aperture. If left as `None` the result is calculated for light with a 0 degree angle of incidence. Returns: The percentage reflectance. The index of the pandas Series is the wavelengths. """ index = _n.index if wavelengths is None else wavelengths if isinstance(index, Number): index = np.array([index]) elif not isinstance(index, np.ndarray): index = np.array(index) s = Stack(wavelengths=index) s.addLayer(Layer(mat1, 1e9)) # Add a meter thick layer s.addLayer(Layer(mat2, 1e9)) if NA == 0: d = s.calculateReflectance(np.array([0])) r = (d[Polarization.TE] + d[Polarization.TM]) / 2 r = pd.Series(r.squeeze(), index=index) # Get reflectance at 0 NA (0 incident angle) else: r = s.circularIntegration(np.linspace(0, NA, num=1000)) return r
if __name__ == '__main__': a = 1