Source code for pwspy.utility.micromanager.positions

# Copyright 2018-2020 Nick Anthony, Backman Biophotonics Lab, Northwestern University
# This file is part of PWSpy.
# PWSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PWSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PWSpy.  If not, see <>.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Dec  3 17:53:24 2018

@author: Nick Anthony
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import json
import typing
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from numbers import Number
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import as spio
from pwspy.utility.micromanager.PropertyMap import PropertyMap, PropertyMapArray, Property, PropertyArray

[docs]@dataclass class Position1d: """A 1D position usually describing the position of a Z-axis translation stage. Attributes: z: The position zStage: Then name of the translation stage """ z: float stageName: str = '' numAxes: int = 1 def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.z, float) assert isinstance(self.stageName, str) @staticmethod def fromDict(d: dict) -> Position1d: return Position1d(**d) def toPropertyMap(self) -> PropertyMap: return PropertyMap({"Device": Property(self.stageName), "Position_um": PropertyArray([Property(self.z)])}) @staticmethod def fromPropertyMap(pmap: PropertyMap) -> Position1d: if len(pmap['Position_um']) != 1: raise Exception("RERAR") return Position1d(z=pmap['Position_um'][0].value, stageName=pmap['Device'].value) def __repr__(self): return f"Position1d({self.stageName}, {self.z})"
[docs]@dataclass class Position2d: """Represents a 2D position for a single xy stage in micromanager. Attributes: x: The x position y: The y position xyStage: The name of the 2 dimensional translation stage """ x: float y: float stageName: str = '' numAxes: int = 2 def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.x, Number) assert isinstance(self.y, Number) assert isinstance(self.stageName, str) self.x = float(self.x) self.y = float(self.y) # make sure to convert in case it is a numpy type @staticmethod def fromDict(d: dict) -> Position2d: return Position2d(**d) def toPropertyMap(self) -> PropertyMap: return PropertyMap({"Device": Property(self.stageName), "Position_um": PropertyArray([Property(self.x), Property(self.y)])}) @staticmethod def fromPropertyMap(pmap: PropertyMap) -> Position2d: if len(pmap['Position_um']) != 2: raise Exception("Errr") x, y = pmap['Position_um'][0].value, pmap['Position_um'][1].value return Position2d(x=x, y=y, stageName=pmap['Device'].value) def mirrorX(self) -> Position2d: self.x *= -1 return self def mirrorY(self) -> Position2d: self.y *= -1 return self def renameStage(self, newName): self.stageName = newName def __repr__(self): return f"Position2d({self.stageName}, {self.x}, {self.y})" def __add__(self, other: Union[PositionList, Position2d, MultiStagePosition]) -> Union[PositionList, Position2d, MultiStagePosition]: if isinstance(other, PositionList): return other.__add__(self) elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): return other.__add__(self) elif isinstance(other, Position2d): return Position2d(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.stageName) else: raise TypeError(f"Type {type(other)} is not supported.") def __sub__(self, other: Union[PositionList, Position2d, MultiStagePosition]) -> Union[PositionList, Position2d, MultiStagePosition]: if isinstance(other, PositionList): return other.copy().mirrorX().mirrorY().__add__(self) # a-b == -b + a elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): other = other.copy() # Don't change the original object other.getXYPosition().mirrorX().mirrorY() # invert the object. return other.__add__(self) # a-b == -b + a elif isinstance(other, Position2d): return Position2d(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.stageName) else: raise TypeError(f"Type {type(other)} is not supported.") def __eq__(self, other: 'Position2d'): return all([self.x == other.x, self.y == other.y, self.stageName == other.stageName])
[docs]@dataclass class MultiStagePosition: """Mirrors the class of the same name from Micro-Manager. Can contain multiple Positon1d or Position2d objects. Ideal for a system with multiple translation stages. It is assumed that there is only a single 2D stage and a single 1D stage. Attributes: label: A name for the position defaultXYStage: The name of the 2D stage defaultZStage: The name of the 1D stage stagePositions: A list of `Position1d` and `Position2D` objects, usually just one of each. """ label: str defaultXYStage: str defaultZStage: str stagePositions: typing.List[typing.Union[Position1d, Position2d]] gridRow: int = 0 gridCol: int = 0 @staticmethod def fromDict(d: dict) -> MultiStagePosition: sps = [] for i in d['stagePositions']: if i['numAxes'] == 1: sps.append(Position1d.fromDict(i)) elif i['numAxes'] == 2: sps.append(Position2d.fromDict(i)) else: raise Exception() return MultiStagePosition(label=d['label'], defaultXYStage=d['defaultXYStage'], defaultZStage=d['defaultZStage'], stagePositions=sps, gridRow=d['gridRow'], gridCol=d['gridCol']) def toPropertyMap(self) -> PropertyMap: return PropertyMap({ "DefaultXYStage": Property(self.defaultXYStage), "DefaultZStage": Property(self.defaultZStage), "DevicePositions": PropertyMapArray([i.toPropertyMap() for i in self.stagePositions]), "GridCol": Property(0), "GridRow": Property(0), "Label": Property(self.label), "Properties": PropertyMap({}) }) @staticmethod def fromPropertyMap(d: PropertyMap) -> MultiStagePosition: positions = [] for i in d['DevicePositions']: if len(i["Position_um"]) == 1: positions.append(Position1d.fromPropertyMap(i)) elif len(i["Position_um"]) == 2: positions.append(Position2d.fromPropertyMap(i)) else: raise Exception("EEEEE") return MultiStagePosition(label=d['Label'].value, defaultXYStage=d['DefaultXYStage'].value, defaultZStage=d['DefaultZStage'].value, stagePositions=positions)
[docs] def getXYPosition(self): """Return the first `Position2d` saved in the `positions` list""" d1pos = [i for i in self.stagePositions if isinstance(i, Position2d)] return [i for i in d1pos if i.stageName == self.defaultXYStage][0]
[docs] def getZPosition(self): """Return the first `Position1d` saved in the positions` list. Returns `None` if no position is found.""" try: d1pos = [i for i in self.stagePositions if isinstance(i, Position1d)] return [i for i in d1pos if i.stageName == self.defaultZStage][0] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def renameXYStage(self, label: str): """Change the name of the xy stage. Args: label: The new name for the xy Stage """ self.getXYPosition().renameStage(label) self.defaultXYStage = label # This must come after the previous line or things get messed up
[docs] def copy(self) -> MultiStagePosition: """Creates a copy fo the object Returns: A new `MultiStagePosition` object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __add__(self, other: Union[Position2d, MultiStagePosition, PositionList]) -> Union[MultiStagePosition, PositionList]: """Allow adding a position to another position or `PositionList`. Doesn't work on the Z-Axis but will sum together the X and Y axis values. Used to translate a position by an offset. Args: other: The object whose XY coordinates should be added to this objects XY coordinates. """ if isinstance(other, Position2d): newPos = self.getXYPosition().__add__(other) positions = copy.copy(self.stagePositions) positions.remove(self.getXYPosition()) positions.append(newPos) return MultiStagePosition(self.label, self.defaultXYStage, self.defaultZStage, stagePositions=positions) elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): return self.__add__(other.getXYPosition()) elif isinstance(other, PositionList): return other.__add__(self) else: raise NotImplementedError def __sub__(self, other: Union[Position2d, MultiStagePosition, PositionList]) -> Union[MultiStagePosition, PositionList]: """See the documentation for __add__""" if isinstance(other, Position2d): newPos = self.getXYPosition().__sub__(other) positions = copy.copy(self.stagePositions) positions.remove(self.getXYPosition()) positions.append(newPos) return MultiStagePosition(self.label, self.defaultXYStage, self.defaultZStage, stagePositions=positions) elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): return self.__sub__(other.getXYPosition()) elif isinstance(other, PositionList): return other.copy().mirrorX().mirrorY().__add__(self) # a-b == -b + a else: raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other: MultiStagePosition): """Returns True if the stage names and stage coordinates are equivalent.""" return all([self.defaultXYStage == other.defaultXYStage, self.defaultZStage == other.defaultZStage, self.getXYPosition() == other.getXYPosition(), self.getZPosition() == other.getZPosition()]) def __repr__(self): s = f"MultiStagePosition({self.label}, " for i in self.stagePositions: s += '\n\t' + i.__repr__() return s
[docs]class PositionList: """Represents a micromanager positionList. can be loaded from and saved to a micromanager .pos file. Args: positions: A list of `MultiStagePosition` objects Attributes: positions: A list of `MultiStagePosition` objects """ def __init__(self, positions: typing.List[MultiStagePosition]): super().__init__() assert isinstance(positions, list) assert isinstance(positions[0], MultiStagePosition) self.positions = positions @staticmethod def fromDict(d: dict): p = [] for i in d['positions']: p.append(MultiStagePosition.fromDict(i)) return PositionList(p)
[docs] def mirrorX(self) -> PositionList: """Invert all x coordinates Returns: A reference to this object. """ for i in self.positions: i.getXYPosition().mirrorX() return self
[docs] def mirrorY(self) -> PositionList: """Invert all y coordinates Returns: A reference to this object. """ for i in self.positions: i.getXYPosition().mirrorY() return self
[docs] def renameStage(self, label) -> PositionList: """Change the name of the xy stage. Args: label: The new name for the xy Stage Returns: A reference to this object """ for i in self.positions: i.renameXYStage(label) return self
def copy(self) -> PositionList: return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromPropertyMap(pmap: PropertyMap) -> PositionList: """Attempt to load a PositionList from a PropertyMap. May throw an exception.""" if isinstance(pmap, PropertyMap): if "StagePositions" in pmap: return PositionList([MultiStagePosition.fromPropertyMap(i) for i in pmap["StagePositions"]]) raise Exception("JsonParseException")
[docs] def toPropertyMap(self) -> PropertyMap: """Returns the position list as a PropertyMap that is formatted just like a `PropertyMap` from Micro-Manager.""" pmap = PropertyMap({"StagePositions": PropertyMapArray([i.toPropertyMap() for i in self.positions])}) return pmap
[docs] @classmethod def fromNanoMatFile(cls, path: str, xyStageName: str): """Load an instance of the `PositionList` from a file saved by NC MATLAB acquisition software. Args: path: The file path to the .mat file. xyStageName: To adapt the MATLAB file format to the Micro-Manager we need to manually supply a name for the XY stage Returns: A new instance of `PositionList` """ mat = spio.loadmat(path) l = mat['list'] positions = [] for i in range(l.shape[0]): coordString: str = l[i][0][0] x, y = coordString[1:-1].split(',') x, y = float(x), float(y) pos = Position2d(x, y, xyStageName) positions.append(MultiStagePosition(str(i), xyStageName, '', [pos])) return PositionList(positions)
[docs] def toNanoMatFile(self, path: str): """Save this object to a .mat file in the format saved by NC MATLAB acquistion software. Args: path: The file path for the new .mat file. """ matPositions = [] for pos in self.positions: pos = pos.getXYPosition() matPositions.append(f"({pos.x}, {pos.y})") matPositions = np.asarray(matPositions, dtype=np.object) print(matPositions.shape) spio.savemat(path, {'list': matPositions[:, None]})
[docs] def getAffineTransform(self, otherList: PositionList) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the partial affine transformation between this position list and another position list. Both position lists must have the same length Args: otherList (PositionList): A position list of the same length as this position list. Each position is assumed to correspond to the position of the same index in this list. Returns: np.ndarray: A 2x3 array representing the partial affine transform (rotation, scaling, and translation, but no skew) Examples: a = PositionList.fromNanoMatFile(r'F:/Data/AirDryingSystemComparison/NanoPreDry/corners/positions.mat', "TIXYDRIVE") b = PositionList.fromNanoMatFile(r'F:/Data/AirDryingSystemComparison/NanoPostDry/corners/positions.mat',"TIXYDRIVE") t = a.getAffineTransform(b) origPos = PositionList.fromNanoMatFile(r'F:/Data/AirDryingSystemComparison/NanoPreDry/0_8NA/position_list1.mat',"TIXYDRIVE") newPos = origPos.applyAffineTransform(t) """ import cv2 assert len(otherList) == len(self) selfXY = [pos.getXYPosition() for pos in self.positions] otherXY = [pos.getXYPosition() for pos in otherList.positions] selfArr = np.array([(pos.x, pos.y) for pos in selfXY], dtype=np.float32) otherArr = np.array([(pos.x, pos.y) for pos in otherXY], dtype=np.float32) transform, inliers = cv2.estimateAffine2D(selfArr, otherArr) if inliers.sum() < inliers.shape[0]: warnings.warn(f"Only {inliers.sum()} of {inliers.shape[0]} coordinates were considered to be inliers.") return transform
[docs] def applyAffineTransform(self, t: np.ndarray): """Given an affine transformation array this method will transform all positions in this position list. Args: t (np.ndarray): A 2x3 array representing the partial affine transform (rotation, scaling, and translation, but no skew) """ import cv2 assert isinstance(t, np.ndarray) assert t.shape == (2, 3) selfXY = [pos.getXYPosition() for pos in self.positions] selfArr = np.array([[pos.x, pos.y] for pos in selfXY], dtype=np.float32) selfArr = selfArr[None, :, :] # This is needed for opencv transform to work ret = cv2.transform(selfArr, t) positions = [] for i in range(len(self)): pos = copy.deepcopy(self[i].getXYPosition()) pos.x = float(ret[0, i, 0]) # Convert to float because the numpy number types cause some errors during jsonification. pos.y = float(ret[0, i, 1]) positions.append(MultiStagePosition(self[i].label, self[i].defaultXYStage, '', [pos])) return PositionList(positions)
def __repr__(self): s = "PositionList(\n[" for i in self.positions: s += str(i) + '\n' s += '])' return s def __add__(self, other: Union[Position2d, MultiStagePosition, PositionList]) -> PositionList: if isinstance(other, Position2d): return PositionList([i + other for i in self.positions]) elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): self.__add__(other.getXYPosition()) else: assert len(other) == len(self), "Cannot subtract position lists of different sizes" return PositionList([a + b for a, b in zip(self.positions, other.positions)]) def __sub__(self, other: Union[Position2d, MultiStagePosition, PositionList]) -> PositionList: if isinstance(other, Position2d): return PositionList([i - other for i in self.positions]) elif isinstance(other, MultiStagePosition): return self.__sub__(other.getXYPosition()) else: assert len(other) == len(self), "Cannot subtract position lists of different sizes" return PositionList([a - b for a, b in zip(self.positions, other.positions)]) def __len__(self): return len(self.positions) def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[slice, int]) -> MultiStagePosition: return self.positions[idx] def __eq__(self, other: PositionList): return all([len(self) == len(other)] + [self[i] == other[i] for i in range(len(self))])
[docs] def plot(self, fig: plt.Figure, ax: plt.Axes): """Open a matplotlib plot showing the positions contained in this list.""" annot = ax.annotate("", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(20, 20), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) annot.set_visible(False) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_aspect('equal') cmap ="gist_rainbow") colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, num=len(self.positions))] names = [pos.label for pos in self.positions] sc = ax.scatter([pos.getXYPosition().x for pos in self.positions], [pos.getXYPosition().y for pos in self.positions], c=[colors[i] for i in range(len(self.positions))]) def update_annot(ind): pos = sc.get_offsets()[ind["ind"][0]] annot.xy = pos text = "{}, {}".format(" ".join(list(map(str, ind["ind"]))), " ".join([names[n] for n in ind["ind"]])) annot.set_text(text) # annot.get_bbox_patch().set_facecolor(cmap(norm(c[ind["ind"][0]]))) annot.get_bbox_patch().set_alpha(0.4) def hover(event): vis = annot.get_visible() if event.inaxes == ax: cont, ind = sc.contains(event) if cont: update_annot(ind) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: if vis: annot.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover)
if __name__ == '__main__': path1 = r'C:\Users\nicke\Desktop\PositionList.pos' path2 = r'C:\Users\nicke\Desktop\PositionList5.pos' p = PropertyMap.loadFromFile(path1) pp = PositionList.fromPropertyMap(p) pp.mirrorX().mirrorY().mirrorX().mirrorY() ppp = pp.toPropertyMap() ppp.saveToFile(path2) with open(path1) as f1, open(path2) as f2: assert == a = 1 def generateList(data: np.ndarray) -> PositionList: assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) assert len(data.shape) == 2 assert data.shape[1] == 2 positions = [] for n, i in enumerate(data): positions.append(MultiStagePosition(f'Cell{n + 1}', 'TIXYDrive', 'TIZDrive', stagePositions=[Position2d(i[0], i[1], 'TIXYDrive')])) plist = PositionList(positions) return plist def pws1to2(loadPath, newOriginX, newOriginY): if isinstance(loadPath, str): pws1 = PositionList.fromPropertyMap(PropertyMap.loadFromFile(loadPath)) elif isinstance(loadPath, PositionList): pws1 = loadPath else: raise TypeError("loadPath must be either `str` or `PositionList`") pws2 = pws1.copy() pws2.mirrorX() pws2.mirrorY() pws2Origin = Position2d(newOriginX, newOriginY) offset = pws2Origin - pws2.positions[0] pws2 = pws2 + offset pws2.renameStage("TIXYDrive") return pws2 def pws1toSTORM(loadPath, newOriginX, newOriginY): if isinstance(loadPath, str): pws1 = PositionList.fromPropertyMap(PropertyMap.loadFromFile(loadPath)) elif isinstance(loadPath, PositionList): pws1 = loadPath else: raise TypeError("loadPath must be either `str` or `PositionList`") pws2 = pws1.copy() pws2.mirrorY() pws2Origin = Position2d(newOriginX, newOriginY) offset = pws2Origin - pws2.positions[0] pws2 = pws2 + offset pws2.renameStage("TIXYDrive") return pws2 def pws2toSTORM(loadPath, newOriginX, newOriginY): if isinstance(loadPath, str): pws2 = PositionList.fromPropertyMap(PropertyMap.loadFromFile(loadPath)) elif isinstance(loadPath, PositionList): pws2 = loadPath else: raise TypeError("loadPath must be either `str` or `PositionList`") storm = pws2.copy() storm.mirrorX() stormOrigin = Position2d(newOriginX, newOriginY) offset = stormOrigin - storm.positions[0] storm = storm + offset return storm def STORMtoPws2(loadPath, newOriginX, newOriginY): if isinstance(loadPath, str): storm = PositionList.fromPropertyMap(PropertyMap.loadFromFile(loadPath)) elif isinstance(loadPath, PositionList): storm = loadPath else: raise TypeError("loadPath must be either `str` or `PositionList`") pws2 = storm.copy() pws2.mirrorX() pws2Origin = Position2d(newOriginX, newOriginY) offset = pws2Origin - pws2.positions[0] pws2 = pws2 + offset return pws2 a = 1