Source code for pwspy.utility.micromanager.PropertyMap

# Copyright © 2018-2020 Nick Anthony, Backman Biophotonics Lab, Northwestern University
# This file is part of PWSpy.
# PWSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PWSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PWSpy.  If not, see <>.


@author: Nick Anthony
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import json
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np

class _HookReg:
    """Stores deserialization hooks and combines them into `getHook`"""
    def __init__(self):
        self._hooks = []

    def addHook(self, f: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any]):
        return self

    def getHook(self):
        def hook(d: dict):
            for h in self._hooks:
                origD = d
                d = h(d)
                if d is origD:
                    return d
            return d
        return hook

class _JsonAble(abc.ABC):
    Interface that must be implemented  for converting Micromanager PropertyMap objects to/from JSON.
    def encode(self) -> dict:
        """This method should convert the property map class to a dictionary for jsonization"""

    def hook(d: object):
        """This function should try to identify if the provided JSON object (int, float, string, list, dict) represents an instance of this Property map class. If so then generate the class, otherwire return the input value unchanged."""

[docs]class Property(_JsonAble): """Represents a single property from a micromanager PropertyMap Attributes: pType: The type of the property. may be 'STRING', 'DOUBLE', or 'INTEGER' value: The value of the propoerty. Should match the type given in `pType` """ pType: str value: typing.Union[str, int, float, typing.List[typing.Union[str, int, float]]] pTypes = {str: 'STRING', float: 'DOUBLE', int: 'INTEGER'} # Static collection of the possible datatypes. def __init__(self, value: typing.Union[str, int, float], pType: str = None): self.value = value if pType is None: self.pType = Property.pTypes[type(value)] else: self.pType = pType
[docs] def encode(self) -> dict: """Convert this object to a PropertyMap dictionary.""" d = {'type': self.pType} d['scalar'] = self.value return d
[docs] @staticmethod def hook(d: dict): """Check if a dictionary represents an instance of this class and return a new instance. If this dict does not match the correct pattern then just return the original dict.""" if 'type' in d and d['type'] in Property.pTypes.values(): if 'scalar' in d: val = d['scalar'] return Property(pType=d['type'], value=val) return d
class PropertyArray(_JsonAble): def __init__(self, properties: typing.List[Property]): self._properties = properties def encode(self) -> dict: """Convert this object to a PropertyMap dictionary.""" return {'type': self._properties[0].pType, 'array': [i.value for i in self._properties]} @staticmethod def hook(d: dict): """Check if a dictionary represents an instance of this class and return a new instance. If this dict does not match the correct pattern then just return the original dict.""" if 'type' in d and d['type'] in Property.pTypes.values(): if 'array' in d: val = d['array'] t = d['type'] return PropertyArray([Property(i, t) for i in val]) return d def __len__(self): return len(self._properties) def __getitem__(self, idx: typing.Union[slice, int]) -> typing.Union[Property, typing.List[Property]]: return self._properties[idx] @dataclass class _PropertyMapFile(_JsonAble): """Wraps a top-level property map in a header, this is how MicroManager saves property maps to file.""" pMap: PropertyMap @staticmethod def hook(dct: dict): if 'format' in dct: if dct['format'] != 'Micro-Manager Property Map' or int(dct['major_version']) != 2: raise Exception("The file format does not appear to be supported.") return _PropertyMapFile(PropertyMap(dct['map'])) else: return dct def encode(self) -> dict: d = self.pMap.encode() val = d['array'] if 'array' in d else d['scalar'] # Putting a property map in a file breaks the usual rule so we have to do this nonsense return {"encoding": "UTF-8", 'format': 'Micro-Manager Property Map', 'major_version': 2, 'minor_version': 0, "map": val}
[docs]class PropertyMap(_JsonAble): """Represents a propertyMap from micromanager. basically a list of properties. Attributes: properties: A list of properties """ _hr = _HookReg() def __init__(self, properties: typing.Dict[str, Property]): self._propDict = properties
[docs] def encode(self) -> dict: return {'type': 'PROPERTY_MAP', 'scalar': self._propDict}
[docs] @staticmethod def hook(d: dict): if 'type' in d and d['type'] == "PROPERTY_MAP": if 'scalar' in d: return PropertyMap(d['scalar']) return d
@staticmethod def loadFromFile(path: str) -> PropertyMap: with open(path) as f: mapFile: _PropertyMapFile = json.load(f, object_hook=PropertyMap._hr.getHook()) return mapFile.pMap def saveToFile(self, path: str): mapFile = _PropertyMapFile(self) with open(path, 'w') as f: json.dump(mapFile, f, cls=self._Encoder, indent=2) class _Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Use this encoder to make use of the custom `encode` functionality of each class.""" def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, _JsonAble): return obj.encode() elif type(obj) == np.float32: return float(obj) else: return json.JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=False).default(obj) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._propDict[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._propDict) def __len__(self): return len(self._propDict) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._propDict
class PropertyMapArray(_JsonAble): """This class is needed due to the dumb way the arrays are jsonified in Micromanager PropertyMaps.""" def __init__(self, properties: typing.List[PropertyMap]): self._pmaps = properties def encode(self) -> dict: return {'type': 'PROPERTY_MAP', 'array': [i.encode()['scalar'] for i in self._pmaps]} @staticmethod def hook(d: dict): if 'type' in d and d['type'] == "PROPERTY_MAP": if 'array' in d: return PropertyMapArray([PropertyMap(i) for i in d['array']]) return d def __len__(self): return len(self._pmaps) def __getitem__(self, idx: typing.Union[slice, int]) -> PropertyMap: return self._pmaps[idx] PropertyMap._hr.addHook(PropertyMap.hook) PropertyMap._hr.addHook(PropertyMapArray.hook) PropertyMap._hr.addHook(Property.hook) PropertyMap._hr.addHook(_PropertyMapFile.hook) PropertyMap._hr.addHook(PropertyArray.hook) if __name__ == '__main__': path1 = r'C:\Users\nicke\Desktop\PositionList.pos' path2 = r'C:\Users\nicke\Desktop\PositionList4.pos' p = PropertyMap.loadFromFile(path1) PropertyMap.saveToFile(p, path2) with open(path1) as f1, open(path2) as f2: assert == a = 1