Source code for pwspy.utility.fileIO

# Copyright 2018-2020 Nick Anthony, Backman Biophotonics Lab, Northwestern University
# This file is part of PWSpy.
# PWSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PWSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PWSpy.  If not, see <>.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions for quickly loading files using parallel processing.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


__all__ = ['loadAndProcess', 'processParallel']

import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import queue
import threading as th
from time import time
import typing
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Tuple
import pandas as pd
import psutil
from pwspy.dataTypes import Acquisition, MetaDataBase

'''Local Functions'''
def _load(loadHandle: Union[str, MetaDataBase], lock: mp.Lock):
    md: MetaDataBase
    if isinstance(loadHandle, str):
        md = Acquisition(loadHandle).pws # In the case that we just have a string to work with, we assume that we are loading a PWS file and not any other type such as dynamics.
    elif isinstance(loadHandle, MetaDataBase):
        md = loadHandle
        raise TypeError("files specified to the loader must be either str or inherited from pwspy.dataTypes.MetaDataBase")
    return md.toDataClass(lock)

def _loadIms(qout: queue.Queue, qin: queue.Queue, lock: th.Lock):
    """When not running in parallel this function is executed in a separate thread to load PwsCubes and populate a Queue
    with them."""
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    while not qin.empty():
            index, row = qin.get()
            displayStr = row['cube'].filePath if isinstance(row['cube'], MetaDataBase) else row['cube']
  'Starting {displayStr}')
            im = _load(row['cube'], lock=lock)
            row['cube'] = im
            qout.put((index, row), block=True)  # Once the queue is full we will block here so that we don't overfill the RAM.
            perc = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
  "Memory Usage: {perc}%")
            if perc >= 95:
      "Memory limit exceeded. Exiting to avoid lock-up.")
        except Exception as e:
            qout.put(e)  # Put the error in the queue so it can propagate to the main thread.
            raise e

def _procWrap(procFunc, lock: th.Lock):
    def func(fromQueue, procFuncArgs=None):
        index, row = fromQueue
        im = row['cube']
        args = (im,)
        if procFuncArgs:
            ret = procFunc(*args, *procFuncArgs)
            ret = procFunc(*args)
        row['cube'] = ret
        return index, row
    return func

def _loadThenProcess(procFunc, procFuncArgs, lock: mp.Lock, row):
    """Handles loading the PwsCubes from file and if needed then calling the processorFunc. This function will be executed
     on each core when running in parallel. If not running in parallel then _loadIms will be used."""
    index, row = row
    im = _load(row['cube'], lock=lock)
    displayStr = row['cube'].filePath if isinstance(row['cube'], MetaDataBase) else row['cube']
    print("Run", displayStr, mp.current_process())
    ret = procFunc(im, *procFuncArgs)
    row['cube'] = ret
    return row

'''User Functions'''

[docs]def loadAndProcess(fileFrame: Union[pd.DataFrame, List, Tuple], processorFunc: Optional = None, parallel: Optional = None, procArgs: Optional = None, initializer=None, initArgs=None) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, List, Tuple]: """DEPRECATED! This over-complicated function should be replaced with usage of processParallel. A convenient function to load a series of Data Cubes from a list or dictionary of file paths. Parameters ---------- fileFrame A dataframe containing a column of PwsCube file paths titled 'cube' and other columns to act as specifiers for each cube. If no specifiers are used this can just be a list of file paths. processorFunc A function that each loaded cell should be passed to. The first argument of processorFunc should be the loaded PwsCube. Additional arguments can be passed to processorFunc using the procArgs variable. parallel default is `False`. If `True` then the loading and processing will be performed in parallel on multiple cores, otherwise it will be done using multithreading on a single core. Setting this to true can result if big speedups if the time to run processorFunc is greater than the time to load an PwsCube from file. procArgs Optional arguments to pass to processorFunc initializer: A function that is run once at the beginning of each spawned process. Can be used for copying shared memory. initArgs: A tuple of arguments to pass to the `initializer` function. Returns ------- An object of the same form as fileFrame except the PwsCube file paths have been replaced by PwsCube Object. If using processorFunc the return values from processorFunc will be returned rather than PwsCube Objects. """ if procArgs is None: procArgs = [] if parallel is None: parallel = False if processorFunc is None else True # No reason to run in parallel if we don't have a computationally expensive function to run. #If the fileFrame provided is not already a pandas dataframe the convert and store a reference to the original type. We'll try to convert back at the end. origClass = None if not isinstance(fileFrame, pd.DataFrame): try: origClass = type(fileFrame) fileFrame = pd.DataFrame({'cube': fileFrame}) except: raise TypeError("fileFrame cannot be converted to a pandas dataframe") # Error checking if 'cube' not in fileFrame.columns: raise IndexError("The fileFrame must contain a 'cube' column.") logging.getLogger(__name__).info(f"Starting loading {len(fileFrame)} files.") sTime = time() if parallel: if processorFunc is None: raise Exception("Running in parallel with no processorFunc is pointles. Set parallel to False to run in multithreaded mode.") m = mp.Manager() lock = m.Lock() numProcesses = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) - 1 # Use one less than number of available cores. po = mp.Pool(processes=numProcesses, initializer=initializer, initargs=initArgs) try: cubes = po.starmap(_loadThenProcess, zip(*zip(*[[processorFunc, procArgs, lock]] * len(fileFrame)), fileFrame.iterrows())) finally: po.close() po.join() else: if initializer: initializer(*initArgs) qout = queue.Queue(maxsize=3) # Once 3 cells are loaded into the queue it will block so that they can be processed. Prevents us from using way to much RAM. qin = queue.Queue() [qin.put(f) for f in fileFrame.iterrows()] lock = th.Lock() thread = th.Thread(target=_loadIms, args=[qout, qin, lock]) thread.start() cubes = [] if processorFunc: wrappedFunc = _procWrap(processorFunc, lock) for i in range(len(fileFrame)): ret = qout.get() if isinstance(ret, Exception): raise ret else: if processorFunc: cubes.append(wrappedFunc(ret, procArgs)) else: cubes.append(ret) # A list of tuples of index, dataframe row thread.join() indices, cubes = zip(*sorted(cubes)) #This ensures that the return value is in the same order as the input array. logging.getLogger(__name__).info(f"Loading took {time() - sTime} seconds") ret = pd.DataFrame(list(cubes)) if origClass is None: return ret else: return origClass(ret['cube'])
[docs]def processParallel(fileFrame: pd.DataFrame, processorFunc: typing.Callable[[], typing.Any], initializer: typing.Callable=None, initArgs: Tuple=None, procArgs: Tuple=None, numProcesses: int = None) -> List: """A convenience function to process the rows of a pandas DataFrame in parallel Parameters ---------- fileFrame A dataframe. Each row of the frame will be passed as the first argument to the processorFunc. processorFunc A function that each row number and row of the `fileFrame` should be passed to as the first and second argument respectively. Additional arguments can be passed to processorFunc using the procArgs variable. The function should return the value which you want included in the return of `processParrallel`. procArgs Optional arguments to pass to processorFunc initializer: A function that is run once at the beginning of each spawned process. Can be used for copying shared memory. initArgs: A tuple of arguments to pass to the `initializer` function. Returns ------- List containing the results of each execution of `processorFunc`. """ if numProcesses is None: numProcesses = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) - 1 # Use one less than number of available cores. If we use all cores then things can get locked up. po = mp.Pool(processes=numProcesses, initializer=initializer, initargs=initArgs) try: vars = fileFrame.iterrows() if procArgs is None else zip(*zip(*fileFrame.iterrows()), *zip(*[procArgs] * len(fileFrame))) cubes = po.starmap(processorFunc, vars) finally: po.close() po.join() return cubes