Source code for pwspy.utility.acquisition.steps

from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import enum
import json
import typing
from ._treeItem import TreeItem
from pwspy.utility.micromanager import PositionList
import os
from .sequencerCoordinate import SequencerCoordinateRange

StepTypeNames = dict(  # The names to represent the `steps` that can be in an acquisition sequence
    POS="Multiple Positions",
    TIME="Time Series",
    CONFIG="Configuration Group",
    SUBFOLDER="Enter Subfolder",
    EVERYN="Once per `N` iterations",
    PFS="Optical Focus Lock",
    AF="Software Autofocus",

[docs]class SequencerStep(TreeItem): """Implementation of a TreeItem for representing a sequencer step. Args: id: The unique integer assigned to this step by the acquisition software settings: The settings for this step. Saved as JSON in the sequence file. stepType: Indicates what type of step this is. E.g. acquisition, time-series, focus lock, etc. children: A list of steps which are direct children of this step. """ def __init__(self, id: int, settings: dict, stepType: str, children: typing.List[SequencerStep] = None): super().__init__() = id self.settings = settings self._stepType = stepType if children is not None: self.addChildren(children) @property def stepType(self) -> str: return self._stepType
[docs] @staticmethod def hook(dct: dict): """ This method defines how the JSON library should translate from JSON to one of these objects. Args: dct: The `dict` representing the raw representation of the JSON\ """ if all([i in dct for i in ("id", 'stepType', 'settings')]): clazz = _SequencerStepTypes[dct['stepType']].value s = clazz(**dct) return s else: return dct
@staticmethod def fromJson(j: str) -> SequencerStep: return json.loads(j, object_hook=SequencerStep.hook) @staticmethod def fromJsonFile(filePath: str) -> SequencerStep: with open(filePath, 'r') as f: return json.loads(, object_hook=SequencerStep.hook) def __repr__(self): # Text representation of this object. return str(f"Step {}: {self.stepType}")
[docs] def printSubTree(self, _indent: int = 0) -> None: """ Print out this step and all sub-steps in a human-readable format. """ indent = ''.join((['\t'] * _indent)) print(f"{indent}{self}") for child in self.children(): child.printSubTree(_indent=_indent+1)
[docs] def getCoordinate(self) -> SequencerCoordinateRange: """Returns a sequencer coordinate range that points to this steps location in the tree of steps.""" return SequencerCoordinateRange([(, None) for step in self.getTreePath()])
def __getitem__(self, item: int): """Enable [i] subscripting to get a child step""" return self.children()[item]
[docs]class ContainerStep(SequencerStep): """ A class for steps which can contain other steps within it. """ pass
[docs]class IterableSequencerStep(ContainerStep): """ A base-class for steps which are iterable. Despite only being a single step they run multiple times in an acquisition. This add some complications as we want to keep track of which iteration the sub-steps of this belong to. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stepIterations(self): """ Return the total number of iterations of this step. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def getIterationName(self, iteration: int) -> str: """ Return the name associated with `iteration` E.G. for a multiple-positions step this will be the name assigned to the position in the position list. Args: iteration: The iteeration number we are interested in. Returns: A name for the requested iteration. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PositionsStep(IterableSequencerStep): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._positionList = PositionList.fromDict(self.settings['posList'])
[docs] def stepIterations(self): if not hasattr(self, '_len'): self._len = len(self._positionList) return self._len
[docs] def getIterationName(self, iteration: int) -> str: return self._positionList[iteration].label
def getPositionList(self) -> PositionList: return self._positionList
[docs]class TimeStep(IterableSequencerStep):
[docs] def stepIterations(self): if not hasattr(self, '_len'): self._len = self.settings['numFrames'] return self._len
[docs] def getIterationName(self, iteration: int) -> str: return f"{iteration * self.settings['frameIntervalMinutes']} min."
[docs]class ZStackStep(IterableSequencerStep):
[docs] def stepIterations(self): if not hasattr(self, '_len'): self._len = self.settings['numStacks'] return self._len
[docs] def getIterationName(self, iteration: int) -> str: return f"{iteration * self.settings['intervalUm']} μm"
class _SequencerStepTypes(enum.Enum): """ An enumerator containing the sub-class of `SequencerStep` to use for each type of step. """ ACQ = SequencerStep PFS = ContainerStep POS = PositionsStep TIME = TimeStep AF = SequencerStep CONFIG = ContainerStep PAUSE = SequencerStep EVERYN = ContainerStep ROOT = ContainerStep SUBFOLDER = ContainerStep ZSTACK = ZStackStep AUTOSHUTTER = ContainerStep WAIT = SequencerStep
[docs]class RuntimeSequenceSettings: """ This represents the object saved when a new acquisition is run. """ FILENAME = "sequence.rtpwsseq" OLDFILENAME = "sequence.pwsseq" def __init__(self, uuid: str, dateString: str, rootStep: SequencerStep): self.uuid = uuid self.dateString = dateString self.rootStep = rootStep @classmethod def fromJsonFile(cls, directory: str): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, cls.FILENAME)): with open(os.path.join(directory, cls.FILENAME), 'r') as f: return cls(**json.load(f, object_hook=SequencerStep.hook)) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, cls.OLDFILENAME)): with open(os.path.join(directory, cls.OLDFILENAME)) as f: rootStep = json.load(f, object_hook=SequencerStep.hook) return cls(uuid=None, dateString=None, rootStep=rootStep) # Old sequence files didn't have a uuid or date. Too bad else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No valid sequence file found in: {directory}")