Source code for pwspy.utility.acquisition.sequencerCoordinate

from __future__ import annotations
import json
import typing as t_
import os
from pwspy.dataTypes import Acquisition
from pwspy.utility.acquisition import steps

[docs]class SequencerCoordinate: """ A coordinate that fully defines a position within a `tree` of steps. Args: coordSteps: A sequence of tuples of the form (stepId, stepIteration) where `stepId` is the id number of the step being referred to. If the step is an iterable step (multiple position, timeseries, etc.) then `stepIteration` should indicate the iteration number, otherwise it should be `None`. uuid: A universally unique ID string associated with the run of the sequencer that this coordinate is associated with. """ def __init__(self, coordSteps: t_.Sequence[t_.Tuple[int, int]], uuid: str): self._fullPath = tuple(coordSteps) self.uuid = uuid # Matches the uuid of the sequence file that ran this acquisition. def __repr__(self): return f"SeqCoord:{self._fullPath}" @staticmethod def fromDict(d: dict) -> SequencerCoordinate: c = [] for ID, iteration in zip(d['treeIdPath'], d["stepIterations"]): c.append((ID, iteration)) if 'uuid' in d: uuid = d['uuid'] else: uuid = None return SequencerCoordinate(c, uuid) @staticmethod def fromJsonFile(path: str) -> SequencerCoordinate: with open(path) as f: return SequencerCoordinate.fromDict(json.load(f))
[docs] def isSubPathOf(self, other: SequencerCoordinate): """Check if `self` is a parent path of the `item` coordinate """ assert isinstance(other, SequencerCoordinate) if len(self._fullPath) >= len(other._fullPath): return False return self._fullPath == other._fullPath[:len(self._fullPath)]
@property def iterations(self) -> t_.Sequence[int]: return tuple(iteration for ID, iteration in self._fullPath) @property def ids(self) -> t_.Sequence[int]: return tuple(ID for ID, iteration in self._fullPath)
[docs] def getStepIteration(self, step: t_.Union[int, steps.SequencerStep]) -> t_.Optional[int]: """ Args: step: May be the ID number of the step or a reference to the actual step. Returns: The iteration of `Step` that this coordinate corresponds to. If the step is not an iterable step then `None` will be returned. """ if isinstance(step, steps.SequencerStep): ID = elif isinstance(step, int): ID = step else: raise TypeError(f"`step` arument must be `int` or `SequencerStep`, not `{type(step)}`") return [iteration for coordID, iteration in self._fullPath if ID == coordID][0]
def __eq__(self, other: SequencerCoordinate): """Check if these coordinates are identical""" assert isinstance(other, SequencerCoordinate) return self._fullPath == other._fullPath
class _IterationRangeCoordStep: """ Represents a coordinate for a single step that accepts multiple iterations Args: ID: The id number of the step being referred to. iterations: A sequence of iteration numbers which are considered in the range of iterations this object contains. If `None` then all iterations are accepted. """ def __init__(self, ID: int, iterations: t_.Sequence[int] = None): self.stepId = ID self.iterations = iterations #Only iterable step types will have this, most types will keep this as None def __contains__(self, item: t_.Tuple[int, int]): """ Args: item: A tuple of form (stepId, iteration). See the documentation for SequencerCoordinate """ if self.stepId == item[0]: if self.iterations is None: # This step doesn't have any iterations so there is no need to check anything. return True elif len(self.iterations) == 0: # If the accepted iterations are empty then we accept any iteration return True elif item[1] in self.iterations: return True return False
[docs]class SequencerCoordinateRange: """ A coordinate that can have multiple iterations selected at once. Args: coordSteps: A sequence of tuples where each tuple represents an acceptable coordinate range for each step in the tree path. Tuple is of the form (ID, iterations) where ID is an integer referring to the id number of the step and iterations indicates the iterations of that step that are considered in range. `iterations` can be `None` or a sequence of `ints` that are considered in range. If `iterations is `None` then all iterations are considered in range. `None` is also the only acceptable value for steps which do not iterate. """ def __init__(self, coordSteps: t_.Sequence[t_.Tuple[int, t_.Optional[t_.Sequence[int]]]]): self._fullPath = tuple([_IterationRangeCoordStep(ID, iterations) for ID, iterations in coordSteps]) def __contains__(self, item: SequencerCoordinate): """Returns True if this is a subpath of `item` and the iteration at each step lies within the range of acceptable iterations for this object""" if not isinstance(item, SequencerCoordinate): return False for i, coordRange in enumerate(self._fullPath): if not (item._fullPath[i] in coordRange): return False return True
[docs] def setAcceptedIterations(self, stepId: int, iterations: t_.Optional[t_.Sequence[int]]): """Sets the acceptable iterations for the step associated with `stepId` Args: stepId: The id of the step you want to adjust the iteration range for iterations: A sequence if iteration numbers to include. If `None` then all iterations are accepted. """ for coordStep in self._fullPath: if coordStep.stepId == stepId: coordStep.iterations = iterations return raise ValueError(f"No step with ID: {stepId} was found.")
[docs]class SequenceAcquisition: """ An object linking and acquisition with a sequencerCoordinate file. Attributes: acquisition: The pwspy.dataTypes.Acquisition object linking to the raw data sequencerCoordinate: The coordinate object locating the acquisition within a sequence. """ def __init__(self, acquisition: Acquisition): self.acquisition = acquisition path = os.path.join(acquisition.filePath, "sequencerCoords.json") self.sequencerCoordinate = SequencerCoordinate.fromJsonFile(path) # This will throw an exception if no sequence coord is found.