Source code for pwspy.utility.DConversion._matlabBridge

# Copyright 2018-2021 Nick Anthony, Backman Biophotonics Lab, Northwestern University
# This file is part of PWSpy.
# PWSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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# PWSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from __future__ import annotations

import typing

NumberOrArray = typing.Union[typing.Sequence[float], float]

[docs]class S2DMatlabBridge: # TODO implement the SigmaToDApprox method as well. """ Opens a MATLAB process to run the Sigma2D conversion code. You must have the MATLAB engine for Python installed in your Python environment. Args: s2dPath: The file path to the SigmaConversion MATLAB package. """ def __init__(self, s2dPath: str): import matlab.engine self._engine = matlab.engine.start_matlab() self._engine.addpath(s2dPath)
[docs] def createRIDefinitionFromGladstoneDale(self, mediaRI: float, CVC: float) -> 'matlab.object': """ Create an S2D.RIDefinition object from the GladstoneDale equation. Args: mediaRI: The refractive index of the media that the chromatin is immersed in. CVC: The CVC, also referred to as Phi. The ratio of Chromatin Volume : Total Volume, kind of like density. Returns: A S2D.RIDefinition object. """ return self._engine.S2D.RIDefinition.createFromGladstoneDale(mediaRI, CVC)
[docs] def createSystemConfiguration(self, ri_def: 'S2D.RIDefinition', na_i: float, na_c: float, center_lambda: float, oil_immersion: bool, cell_glass_interface: bool) -> 'matlab.object': """ Create a system configuration object. This object contains all information about the microscope and sample refractive indices. Args: ri_def: An RI definition object na_i: The illumination NA of the objective. na_c: The collection NA of the objective. center_lambda: The center wavelength of illumination. This should be the center in K-space. So, the wavelength of the center wavenumber. oil_immersion: If True then the objective is treated as though it is immersed in RI_glass. If False it is treated as though it is immersed in RI_media. cell_glass_interface: If True then the cell/glass interface is treated as the reference reflection of the configuration. If False then the cell/media interface is treated as the reference reflection. Returns: A S2D.SystemConfiguration MATLAB object. """ return self._engine.S2D.SystemConfiguration(ri_def, na_i, na_c, center_lambda, oil_immersion, cell_glass_interface)
[docs] def SigmaToD_AllInputs(self, sigmaIn: NumberOrArray, system_config: 'S2D.SystemConfiguration', Nf: float, thickIn: float) -> NumberOrArray: """ Run the complete sigma to D conversion function. Args: sigmaIn: The sigma values you want to convert. system_config: The SystemConfiguration object to use. Nf: The genomic length of a packing domain. thickIn: The expected thickness of the sample. Returns: dOut: This is analogous to `D_b` in Aya's paper. The `model parameter`. dCorrected: This is the true `D`. This is usually what we care about. Nf_expected: The genomic length we expect based on D and the calculated lMax. lmax_corrected: Calculation of LMax from Nf and Db based on eqn. 2. """ if isinstance(sigmaIn, import matlab sigmaIn = matlab.double(sigmaIn) return self._engine.SigmaToD_AllInputs(sigmaIn, system_config, Nf, thickIn, nargout=4)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the MATLAB engine. This may not be necessary as the engine will be automatically closed when Python shuts down. """ self._engine.quit()
if __name__ == '__main__': s = S2DMatlabBridge(r'C:\Users\backman05\Documents\Bitbucket\SigmaToD\SigmaConversion') ri = s.createRIDefinitionFromGladstoneDale(1.337, .3) conf = s.createSystemConfiguration(ri, .52, 1.49, 585, True, True) out = s.SigmaToD_AllInputs([.1, .1, .2], conf, 1e6, 3) a = 1